Mexico's deadly election season

Also, Canada accommodates Sharia law

Today we’re covering:

  • 🇨🇳 Chinese espionage,

  • 💀 Electoral violence in Mexico,

  • 🇨🇦 Sharia law in Canada,

  • And everything else you need to know.

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🇨🇳 Chinese espionage is sweeping Europe. France, Germany, and the U.K. have been the center of Chinese espionage operations seeking to obtain highly classified military technology. While the Chinese vehemently deny any involvement with espionage, Western intelligence officials anticipate an escalation of such activities in Europe and the U.S. as public opinion hardens against China.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian troops are retreating from the eastern front. Military supply shortages have caused the Ukrainians to flee several towns on their eastern border as Russian troops remain better equipped. While the Russians haven't yet made tactical gains in the region, they may exploit Ukraine's vulnerabilities while they await shipments of American arms.

🇮🇳 The U.S. foiled an Indian assassination plot against a U.S. citizen. A new investigative report accused a top intelligence officer to Indian P.M. Narendra Modi of plotting to kill a vocal critic of the prime minister, who also happens to be a U.S. citizen. The target in question is a member of a rising Sikh separatist group and is the latest thwarted attack against Indian-linked Americans and Canadians.

🇦🇫 Biden gave the Taliban a “green light” to take over Kabul. Before the U.S. withdrew its troops from Afghanistan, Biden officials met with the Taliban and declined an offer to provide security for Kabul, effectively green-lighting the Taliban’s takeover. The Biden administration’s rushed meetings with the Taliban indicate their lack of a concrete exit plan, resulting in a chaotic withdrawal that cost the lives of 13 U.S. service members.

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